
Illatiss is a world HEAVILY based on the world in Fire Emblem 7. In fact, it WAS that world initially. A lot of the OCs here lived in the world of FE7 for a long time until I started adding and taking away elements as I saw fit. You'll notice a bunch of these OCs spiral off into their own worlds eventually because I can never let OCs go. Illatiss is full of nostalgia for me and was the main place my OCs lived in middle school / junior high.

dnd dnd oc worm on a string worm dragon The Pause wizard paladin cleric gunslinger Himbo dwarf Dungeons and Dragons orc OG Dungeons and dragons bee ranger Wizard tiny dragon neutral good ursil DnD bumble bee tabaxi Dnd Dragon lawful good half elf Ursil eternus 40 Goliath gloom stalker NPC orb