

The world has always been full of magic. 

Everyone and everything, right down to the smallest ant, have always had a connection to that magic. Not everyone could unlock the full potential of that connection, but it was there. And a very special few would be granted that full potential by making contact with "heartkeys," magical creatures that were rare and shy to the human eye. To be chosen by one to become a "Magical One" was a great honor, and a great responsibility. Magical Ones of all genders (and even the occasional Magical Dog) would use the power of heart and friendship to solve problems and unite the world in harmony. It was theorized that the appearance of these "heartkeys" was an act of god, a way to make the world into the heaven humans so desperately desired. 

...And then the world ended. 

Then the world ended a lot. 

You name it? It happened. Magical disease with no known cure? Check. Zombies, albeit not brain-eating ones? Check. Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, sinkholes and more? Check. What could generously be called demons escaping from "hell?" Check, check, check and check!

Now, 200 years later, the world is somehow still chugging along. Chalk it up to the power of heart. 

Nowadays, society really ain't what it used to be. Technology has both evolved and devolved into a mix of old tech and magic, and while cell phones may not exist anymore, there's plenty of ways to contact people long-distance. "Heartkeys," now just known as "familiars," are much more common; Turns out they weren't rare, just hiding, because when you have the ability to make a person magically powered, you tend to get hunted down. Who knew!

Countries aren't really a thing anymore; now the most heavy population areas lie in Megacities, each of which essentially functions as its own little micronation. Whether or not they function well is...up for debate, but they sure do function!

Humans aren't really a thing anymore, either; at least, not totally normal, 100% humans. Magical affinity is somewhat nature and somewhat nurture, so most people today are more Magical One than human, having descended from the massive explosion of Magical Ones that were created in a vain attempt to stop the world from imploding. 

Demon blood is also very common; Turns out the demon invasion was actually one of the least 'apocalyptic' parts of that whole multi-apocalypse thing, and plenty of people settled down and had families. Those with demon blood normally have animal traits of some kind, and some can even transform from a more humanoid form to a fully animal one. It generally takes a lot of energy though, so it doesn't happen often.

The world may be shit, but there's still plenty of love and light to be found. You just might have to look a little bit harder through the grime to find it!