snowgrave's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by snowgrave



  • Entry #040, Pumpkaboo, classified as Ghost, resembles genus Cucurbita, commonly known as the pumpkin. Appears to be suffering from a form of the disease Phyophthora blight, or has already succumbed and is inhabiting what remains of its body.
  • Entry #049, Breloom, classified as Grass/Ghost, is a biped/quadruped with a patchwork leaflike coat. Several kinds of fungi sprout from its coat, the most notable of which being the black-and-white cap upon its head, which may or may not simply be part of its body.
  • Entry #052, Bulbasaur, classified as Grass/Dark, is a quadruped sporting teeth and claws despite its status as an autotroph, possibly to defend the newly sprouted bulb upon its back, which is the source of its food. Also hidden within its leaves are two thorny lengths of briar, which it can manipulate at will. The leaves protecting its bulb resemble autumn leaves, no matter the time of year.


Fusion of all 3 Pokémon may create a positive interaction with the combination of plants and fungi part of each of their bodies. #040 appears in a constant state of decay, but its body remains intact despite presence of mold, which implies that its body regenerates to continue feeding said mold. #049 does not have visible signs of decay, but the fungi sprouting from its coat implies a state of decomposition able to sustain said fungi, though #049 does not show signs of discomfort whereas #040 does. #052 does not appear similar at a glance; however, consider the autumn leaves upon its back, and recall this shade of orange implies a breakdown of chlorophyll due to an inability to produce enough energy. Even if this is not the case, refer to #053 & #054, noting the fruit now visible within its bulb - a pumpkin, the very same species seen in #040.

Considering all of these factors, if one were to combine #040 & #052, there are a few possibilities that come to mind. The resulting specimen may find itself stronger and capable of fighting off its infection through a sort of symbiosis; perhaps #040 will simply become an alternate food source for #052 given the nature of its bulb; or perhaps, simply, #040's infection will overtake #052 as well.

However, with the addition of #049, a means of renewal is provided. Where #040 cannot outgrow the speed at which its mold consumes it, the mushrooms found on #049 are able to remove and decompose dead plant matter, thus converting it into nutrients that can be fed into #052's bulb, providing the fusion with its own food cycle and therefore a higher energy output for the three Pokémon inhabiting its body.


If the Laboratory were to splice #040 Pumpkaboo, #049 Breloom, and #052 Bulbasaur together, it is the author's belief that the resulting fusion could provide a model for self-sustaining horticulture with the use of fungi.

Published 12.19.2022 at 7:52 P.M.

Heartcatch Items & Currency

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by snowgrave

Personal archive for keeping track of my inventory.


  • 900 Love Letters

  • Single Parent Breeding Token x1