soaricarus's Literatures

3 months, 29 days ago
668 1

"--Vity!" They spoke suddenly, nearly jumping at him as he'd sat his puppet down. "Woah. hey. Calm down. Why are you calling me that?" It was spoken so calmly with a small hint of confusion that it felt like an important family heirloom breaking into tens of pieces on the floor to Nostalgia. It cut through them like a bird piercing the air with its wings; a fish through a stream of water. They blinked with a wide open mouth, holding their breath as they lowered their ears. "y--y- you- you.. you-" They stuttered as their back arched slightly. "...Perception? Scattered Perception? you.... Vitality? you don't..?"

4 months, 25 days ago
565 1

He was in the middle of a simulation when he felt that void-damned rodent crawling into his chamber again. Turning off the anti-gravity and throwing pearls at the wall in frustration - some that were previously damaged cracking in half as they hit it once more - he gestured with his puppet's fists clenched at the rodent as he lowered his puppet to its level. The slugcat only flinched with a scared murrmurr, raising its back slightly.