sodacrushcat's Profile Comments

ur artstyle is cool omg :D

Hello! Can you please confirm if this is your Amino profile for verification?

yes, thats me!! sorry for the late reply ^__^”

Thank you!

hihi are the characters in your “other” folder up for trade/offers? if not, are your trades most possibly open? :0 sorry to bother!

yep, they are! i'm just kind of tentative with them haha

aaaa alright!! :0 does anyone in here or here (might be tent with characters here)  interest you for seed or even marai? [ even if i can’t see what they look like lolol- ]

sorry, nobody interests me :"0 thanks tor the offer though!

Alrighty :0 No problem! Thanks for considering anyhow, your art is really cute and I wish you all the best!!