Darkness Obscures

Darkness Obscures

"Run away, dear detective. Everything is drenched in lies."

what really happened that day...?

A sad man wakes up hung over in his penthouse. His name, John Stalhart.

In a land of fabrications, this man has forsaken justice and become a reverse detective. His existence creates mysteries, and he refuses to solve them. Will he ever find the truth? Find out next time... on Darkness Obscures: Hear the Raven's Symphony.


This story is set in the modern land of Noctila, a shady, ruthless city with no light. Clouds hang over the days as if rain should come, and nights seem endless without some way to forget time.

dramatis personae

detective and spy:

John StalhartEx-Detective
David RosvernSmiling Spy

city dwellers:

'Mint'Bakery Supplier
Emi KitagawaHigh School Informant