Vampiric Bloodlines

Vampiric Bloodlines

"Do you seriously expect these vampires to just stay still and do nothing? Well, they will."

stories of hunger and fellowship

Twelve vampiric bloodlines, three pure and nine mixed. All equal in importance. But when a vampire goes out of line...

Vampiric Bloodlines is the general hub for all vampiric stories. Of twelve vampire lords, of the hundreds if not thousands of vampires around the world of Aldebara, most of their stories are condensed here.

As for some of the featured stories...
There is Civen Vanamuci, a vampire lord masquerading as a vampire hunter in order to cull both stray vampires and dangerous vampire hunters alike.
There is Joharnas, his friend and fellow vampire lord, who seems to be straying from vampiric society.
There is Recol, one of Civen's fellow vampire hunters, who absolutely hates Joharnas and probably wants him dead.
As well, there is the mysterious story of the Original 12 Vampires, some of which are still alive to the modern day in Aldebara.


Vampires are scattered across the world based on their bloodline, so setting will vary with family. Mainly, they will take place in each region's Vampiric Havens, settlements consisting mainly of vampires, under the rule of their bloodline's leader.

dramatis personae

vampire lords:

Civen VanamuciVanamuci Leader
Alcius DraienGrand Vampire Lord
Cristo EdantesEdantes Leader


JoharnasDraien Family Dhampir
VinnyUnknown Bloodline
LemierreLeblanc Family Vampire
MeikaiUnknown Bloodline


Hellsi VanamuciEx-Demon Slayer
Mina DraienEx-Tutor

vampire hunters:

Recol ScorvisAngry Lad
ElishaAnimal Tamer