staghaunt's Bulletins

character for sale (nm)

Posted 7 months, 29 days ago by staghaunt

A friend of mine is in need of recovery of some funds, so they're selling a character they recently bought, to make said ends meet! it would mean a lot to check it out, or even spread the word if you know anyone who may be interested <33 EO

Posted 9 months, 12 days ago by staghaunt

Entertaining offers again on my!! Majorly tent on anyone marked with the X tag(ESPECIALLY anyone in the beastars folder with this tag, or the first row of my warrior cats folder + pondlurker) but I might consider a compelling enough offer or an offer from someone I'm close to. USD is what I'm primarily looking for this time around, but you're still free to offer anything!! That will just take the highest priority and be what I consider most of.

Direct link to characters without the X tag for easy viewing:

But again, I may consider offers outside of this, I will just be extra unlikely to accept(even large offers in some case, I may turn down just for how attached I am to the character).

Leave me a message!! <33

Posted 9 months, 23 days ago by staghaunt

I saw someone I follow post a link to a website with a really cute idea, where you leave messages for them to open on Christmas!! <33 So I figured I'd give it a whirl, too!! You should be able to make your messages public for anyone to see or private for just the person you're sending them to!

Feel free to leave links to your own tree below, too, if you decide to make one!! I'd love to give some of you guys some notes!!

Characters for Sale(nm)

Posted 9 months, 23 days ago by staghaunt

Friend has something they're trying to get so they have some ocs up for sale!! You should check them out!! <33

Dragon December(nm)!!

Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by staghaunt

Really cool event that you guys should check out!! <333 They always have some of the neatest designs, and the previews on the adopts are absolutely GORGEOUS too!!

LF: SCPKID Trade Voucher

Posted 1 year, 1 day ago by staghaunt

If someone can get me this dude, I will gladly trade Cain for them!! 

Cain, for reference:

I would also consider trading Cain for this guy!!

EO on most of

Posted 1 year, 23 days ago by staghaunt

Spent a little more money than I probably should have, and while I'm not in trouble or anything, it would be more comfortable to get some money back!! So, I'm entertaining USD offers on everyone not tagged X, which should be everyone who pulls up here!!

I will be more tent on some than others, and will likely only consider art from close friends. If you're unsure about how much USD to offer for a specific character, just ask and I will let you know their worth/how much I would feel comfortable letting them go for, be it a range or flat price!! 


Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by staghaunt



Will be filling out the actual art fight profile for the team tmrw!!!! >:)) but for now, there is my link!! 

Characters UFO(nm)

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by staghaunt

Go check these guys out !!! <33 there's a lot of super cool designs in here, both anthro and feral!! You should go buy some of them >:)) (this is a demand)

EO on characters

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by staghaunt

Bumping this again, since it's been awhile!! 

You're free to offer on anyone, but characters marked forever homed are INCREDIBLY unlikely to go, especially any involved in a story. I'm far less tent on anyone not marked FH, but will still likely be picky, because I do love a lot of my characters 

Anyone with a monetary offer $20 higher than their listed worth will get a colored headshot!! $30 or higher gets that headshot rendered/shaded, too!! 

USD(largest priority) > Art > Characters(not super interested in characters ATM, so I'll likely be very picky) 

Feel free to comment here or on a character's profile!! Or even DM, if you'd rather the offer be private!!