

Mains kuzOKpP.gif

Not For Sale No Roleplay Medieval Fantasy

My characters I have big plans for. Each of these characters are going to be involved in one project or another.

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Open to Offers Medieval Fantasy Works in Progress

My Dungeons & Dragons original character hoard. Some of them I've already used, some are in use, and most are possible future characters I hope to play one day.

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Not for Sale Quadripedal Comforts

My cute little comfort animals. Some of them are the companions to my original characters.

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Sale Offers Open Clothing Unused

Outfits I've taken a liking to and stored away for safe-keeping. I may want to use them on a character in future, but they are also generally up for offers if they're sitting in here since they have no current use.

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For Sale For Trade Offers Open

Characters who have either finished their storyline with me, or haven't been able to find a place in any of my games. Feel free to have a look and see if you can give any of them a home <3

dnd fantasy humanoid pet outfit animal pinglist open familiar clothing female elf modern outfits feline mount horse human dragon cat colourful UFS soft superhero alien rabbit aasimar tiefling MeowTownPolice for sale yellow halfling superheroine honey sorcerer adopt USD bright green gnome slime feral sheher oc colorful UFO comic bunny triton sapphic original character