stags0up's Bulletins

PSA callout - please read

Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by stags0up

(this is meant to be read on instagram, here is the link: )

to start this: i usually avoid making callout posts like this because i believe personal drama should stay away from the public, but unfortunately this has spewed way father than just a personal situation. i know i don’t have many followers, but i ask that if you see this you spread it around so more people can see.

there is an art thief active on multiple apps, which are pinterest and animal jam (play wild). this person will be referred to lucky because that’s her animal jam name, but she has taken my name as well so i won’t use that one to cause confusion. lucky and i have known/been friends with each other on animal jam for over 2 years, and she is now copying every single art piece i make. more artists online have fallen victim to this too, which will be stated.

i would also like to say that lucky specifically asked me (before all this went down) if she could use my COLORS as INSPIRATION. this eventually spiraled into copying everything i made.

slide 1: i made this adoptable on animal jam, and a little while later lucky made her version of it. this and the two others below were in her den for a couple days, before she took them out. the two below were both being sold in her shop, i forget how much they went for.

slide 2: another example of lucky taking one of my character designs.

slide 3: tracing a DOODLE oh my lord

slides 4 and 5: (left is my artwork, right is lucky’s) more copying, ironically stealing an art piece that says don’t steal my art. the bottom image on slide 5 was a gift i made for Kifto , which was unfortunately taken as well.

slide 6: another example of copying, this time with another person. the left is a masterblock created by Isaplier on animal jam, and the right is lucky’s version of it. this issue was later resolved but i felt it was necessary to add too.

this is not stated in any of the slides, and there is no real proof, but i have reason to believe lucky also has an alt account on animal jam called soyabean. i know this because an online friend of mine (ssoyabean on toyhouse) told me that account was not theirs, but i don’t have anything to back this up with so if you block lucky’s account or not i don’t really care.

lucky will not answer me by any means, so it all ended up with me making this callout post, which i really wish i didn’t have to do.

concluding, if you see luckyshycloud8/soyabean on animal jam or sanae_mooshig on pinterest, i suggest blocking her for your safety. art theft is not okay, and impersonating/stalking is especially weird.

links - lucky’s pinterest - mooshi/soya’s (inactive) pinterest that lucky heavily referenced for her art style -


Posted 10 months, 10 days ago by stags0up

do you even have artfight

6 Votes yes i do
0 Votes no

GO FOLLOW MY ARTFIGHT!!! i’d appreciate it

no school today💔 (not important)

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by stags0up

staying home from school today because i feel 🤮SICK🤮 

activity status etc

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by stags0up

hi hi i know not many people follow me but to the people who do, i am trying to be more active! i literally have no idea how to code so my page is kind of ugly right now but if you have any links for codes or something let me know i will try to figure out how to do it👍