starosis's Bulletins


Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by starosis

what in the hell happened that made me come back to like 60+ notifications o my goodness

a long overdue update

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by starosis

CW: IRL death

where to start. it's not exactly a fun time.

i've been sparse for months. i mentioned before that i was caring for my dad.

he passed away in may. i do not want to go into details but it has been the hardest thing i've ever gone through. i no longer have either of my parents. my younger sibling's dad passed away not even two months later. i deeply, sincerely appreciate all the patience and understanding everyone has had with me. i haven't wanted to create this update because it would mean that i have to acknowledge he is gone in a public capacity. i have tried to keep it together while taking commissions starting in june, but to be frankly honest i am not happy with how much i've done since then. i am not joking when i say this is the worst year of my life.

if that was the only thing i was dealing with i might have been a little better about keeping to my own schedule. an ex-roommate stole hundreds of dollars of shit from my sibling right after my dad died, broke our window, try to sneak out of the lease, and finally, threaten to get a restraining order put on me while lying to my spouse and saying that i threatened them. breaking the actual lease was a pain in the ass because they would not communicate with anyone and we all had to agree to break it. the landlord ended up extorting us during the period before we were set to move out, demanding $2100 (a random, arbitrary number) and essentially holding me hostage until we could cough up that amount. this (and all the fees that come with moving) is why i have had to take more commissions. 

life does as life does, it has been hit after hit after hit after hit for a really long time now.

i want to crawl out of grief but it is taking me time. thank you again, and a reminder that my trello (linked on my profile) will show you when and how i'm progressing

4/1/23 owed work update

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by starosis

As much as I wish this was a funny April Fools thing, it's not. Decided to write this today. It's been difficult but I want to be transparent.

-I was in a high speed collision on Feb 24th. I'm in pain and my car was totalled. Insurance is dragging its feet.

-I fell for an employment scam and lost access to my savings.

-And lastly, my dad's health has gotten severely worse. The American healthcare system is a sick joke. I am writing this from the couch, where I moved my bed-stuffs so I can be here if he needs help from his hospital bed.

The depression from the above is eating at me. It's also why I've dabbled on personal doodles instead of giving consistent updates. This was already my policy, but I won't be taking on more work until I finish everything. I likely will also limit the work I take on based on my mental health. 

Owed comm: About 85% done

Owed art: 4/8 sketched

Owed work update 1/8

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by starosis

Edit 1/8: I've made a lot of progress on the commission! Soon only the background will need finishing. Then trades! Thanks for the patience 🙏




I have a blurb in my profile that denotes the stuff I owe other people currently. 

It can be hard to know that stuff is happening without a peek behind the curtains, so that's what this is! Progress is slower than expected but I'm hoping to finish the year out with the commission and secret santa both done, leaving trades next.

Here's a quick look, I've been trying to balance them with my job. I'll be moving in late January and will be able to focus on art fulltime.

Thank you so much for the patience, and have a wonderful New Year. ^^


