
My Player Characters

These are all the characters I have played and plan to play in the future.

My currently played characters are:

The Champion

Daniel King

Terpsichore “Ore” Ourania


Any character marked with a WIP are still a work in progress so please don't mind the dust.

TTRPG Dungeons and Dragons RP

Three Houses Campaign

A campaign inspired by Fire Emblem Three Houses! In this folder you will find all the NPC's. You'll meet members of The Golden Chimeras, The Silver Unicorns and The Bronze Krakens as well as Members of the Church, our Heroes other Allies and Enemies and The Firsts Holders of Crests.

TTPG Fire Emblem Magical Dungeons and Dragons
MISC Characters

This folder holds all the characters I used for NPCs in my campaigns or characters for future ideas.


Other Generes

Characters from different worlds like Sci-Fi or Steampunk!

Sci-Fi Steampunk TTRPG Other

Market Place

Here you will find characters for Sale, Adoption or Trades!

Trade Adoptions Sale For Sale

Directory HTML by Pinky

Fantasy Elf TTRPG Dungeons and Dragons Stand By