starsuchi's Bulletins

Offers on Eclipse

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by starsuchi

Hello everyone, it has been a while! I have been away because of school and am very busy, so I do not have time to reply to messages individually. I just popped in to say that I am not currently taking offers on Eclipse but will add everyone who has requested to be on the ping list for him. 

Thank you for your understanding! (/ o \)

I've been thinking about this for awhile, but I decided to make a ping list for any characters that I decide to resell/trade in the future.

♢ ♦ ♢ ♦ ♢ ♦

If I own a character that you’re interested in and like to be alerted if I ever decide to resell/trade them in the future, then please comment with a list of any of the character(s) that you're interested in below and I'll add you to my secret document!

If I ever decide to part with one of my characters, just know that reselling will always take priority over trades. However, I am still always open to trade offers.

Lastly, I am open to payment plans but I prefer upfront payment. > ^ <

fyi i'd prefer to sell/trade to those who i know or are subscribed to my TH