sterlinging's Bulletins

hiatus update!

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by sterlinging

hi! i am going to make this update quick.

i am still on something of a hiatus. but i have been and still am itching to revamp my so that its organization is not only more streamlined, but more true how i interact with my OCs. the meticulous organization is/was strong, but it no longer fits me. i just don't want to be overwhelmed by my OCs!

as i ponder how to move forward with a new, mentally easier organization, for my comfort, most of my characters will be hidden. i will be re-introducing them when i feel they are ready once more.

otherwise, thank you for your continued interest in my OCs and for your patience with me! hiatus, sorta

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by sterlinging

hey, all! i'd just like to give an update/announcement in regards to my 

i'm sure most of you aren't even aware of this, but i've been quietly working away at either rewriting/editing/updating/polishing profiles i've already written, or adding new profiles, beginning with lore profiles.

just, in general, regarding authoring character profiles and worlds... with all of the content i've thought up over the years, it's no small task! starting at the beginning, it's been a challenge finding ways to capture it all, and has been an excellent, exciting first step at bringing my ideas out of the realm of my imagination and into the world.

creating my profiles to my image of a totally complete character wiki thing is not quick, though. it's a big stride i take, jumping from concept to finished work. right now, i'm at the stage of figuring out how to break it down into more manageable, yet satisfying bits. i also want to find ways to make it quicker... (maybe i will tab my character profiles with rough drafts, separate from their main profile...?)

more on that, it's important to me to find a quick way to author these things because my own stories in my head change all the time and they need to be written down to be consistent. but now, it's even more important, because i am a student (and soon, a working student,) whose once more heavily limited on time... when u can’t be a neet playing make believe bc you have to participate in society and be productive while doing it TCH

so, for now, i'm declaring a hiatus, specifically on publishing what i consider complete character profiles. i don't want to stress myself out thinking about my all the time! i might post rough rough ROUGH drafts in place of that like i said, or chip away at sections weeks at a time, because i don't want to completely abandon the ideas i'm juggling around until an indefinite date forever, either. i can't promise this, though. i may just be inactive all the way until my next break in studies and work, too. i dunno.

the creative process is a unique one for every creative author in the world, and i guess it's one we're always trying to find, too.

i leave you all with a classic:

bulletin... 2!

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by sterlinging

hello, all!

i think today is an appropriate day to make a new bulletin. it’s time i replace the old one that introduced me as a newbie.
that’s because today is special...
today is my one year anniversary on! 🎉

i’m very happy and truly feel like i’m at home in a community like’s.
i initially joined, like many others, just to use it as a character repository, running it in conjunction with my tumblr. i went in with a rough, yet quite detailed plan of what i wanted.

as i have found, hosts a very positive environment for content creators. we’re all here for one thing: original characters!
and, as a result, i have experienced a cameraderie very unique from other social media and websites.
interacting with other content creators (and their characters!), whether in the forums or out, has always been an enthusiastic, rewarding, and wholesome experience.
i feel like i am truly at home in a community such as this…

but, as i expected, my presence on this website is spotty. i’m as busy a college student as ever, and that won’t let up anytime soon.
but my heart is still in the community, and i will return periodically to update… well, whatever needs updating!
i am still currently in the middle of revamping my “long bio” characters, and i have a steady queue of new characters i am adding that i need to fill in the blanks for, too.
my ETC. folder (for characters that are not tagged “WIP”), is up to speed, but please understand my universe folders are quite under construction.
i can’t wait to finish so you all can experience my universes as i see them!

i'll close this video with my favorite moment from a highlight video of my favorite KPOP group A.C.E, and an extra "happy birthday", sterlinging!
thank you for reading. ^_^

"oh, life is tough!"

hi! i'm new to!

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by sterlinging

confetti! yay! i'm finally on! i'm so excited!!!

if you found this through, then HI! i'm so happy you were interested enough in me or my characters to click on me! all of the good stuff is on my profile. you can click my to find out where i am on the web as an artist, but if you're interested in getting to know me a little better, just send me a PM in any of those places! i am the most active on tumblr.

first, let me introduce myself past what you can find on my profile page! yes, call me CK. i love to make original characters. as i once described my creative process, well, if i think of a good character design, i am quick to tack on as many traits and background to the design as possible. before i know it, i've already made myself a character. my attachment to these characters vary, and i tend to really center my attention on specific characters at a time, but let it be known i rarely forget ANY.

anyways, i wanted to write this bulletin first and foremost as i set everything up on this account, for anybody confused by the state of it! i am trying to plan out as many things as i can, but because i've never done something like this before, i'm mostly ad-libbing it as i go.
so, i'm starting off with describing my plan of action.

  • this account will be developed in tandem with my OC blog on tumblr, sterlinging. (you can find a link to it on my profile!)
    • this place will have the FULL disclosure about everything you possibly need to know about the character. it's convenient, because every character has its own page and gallery! for now, i see myself just posting characters at random, but i may just focus on posting characters for specific universes, too. we'll see.
    • my OC blog will have all the TL;DRs of my characters, and a few other fun perks.
    • the biggest, hardest step is developing something systematic and organized for both of these sites. once i'm confident in the direction, i'll slowly start putting my world of original characters out in the open.

as it stands, this is all largely a passion project for me. i'm desperate to write down all my ideas before they leave my head, but i'll have to force myself to go at a casual pace if i don't want to burn myself out writing bios or designing pages for each of my characters. got to prioritize, you know?  

i have nothing else to add to this bulletin and only more things to add to the OC blog, so i am going to close this bulletin with the good vibes!!!