sterlingsilverxx's Bulletins

contact locations

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by sterlingsilverxx

hello, long time no see. just making a quick bulletin to say i do not check this account very often

my messages have piled up quite a bit so at this time i cannot get to everyone

if youd like to get in contact with me for an oc youre interested in, please do so by sending me a note here:

thanks in advance

buy one get one free sale

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by sterlingsilverxx

hey all i have some ocs that im looking to sell specifically, so i figure id turn it into a sale to get rid of some others while im at it tbh

if you buy any of the ocs from this tag here:

you can pick 1-2 ocs (or more depending on how much you pay) from here:

just comment below if interested and we can work something out -- replies may be slow as i rarely check this account lately