Jellybean Dragons

Jellybean Dragons, like their name implies, are a sort of dragon— though unlike the dragons you may be thinking of, they are mammalian in nature, with warm blood. They're fuzzy and soft, with thick tufted tails and a fluffy upper lip. Their feet are lizard-like, and tipped with short claws that help them find purchase on slippery surfaces despite their furry feet and lack of pawpads. One of their most notable traits is the large pouch that every Jellybean Dragon has— although it's mainly intended to hold their eggs or young children, many beans just use it to store snacks or cool rocks.

Jellybean Dragons are a closed species created by dalmatier.
January 4: Halo
January 11: Crocus
January 12: Hemlock
February 4: Persipan
February 5: Evelyn
February 23: Bonnie
February 28: Harrier*
March 21: Renata
March 21: Syrinx
March 22: Aorta
April 1: Rook
April 6: Glock
May 17: Teddy
May 19: Edie
June 5: Abi
June 17: Pete
June 25: Alfie
July 20: Oisín
July 28: Wyatt
August 16: Giselle
September 8: Eutychos
September 9: Dwight
September 9: Farah
September 29: Julius
September 30: Mozart
September 30: Mycroft
October 26: Ramona
October 27: Yael
November 15: Cecil
November 15: Bridget
December 12: Sterling
December 19: Irving
December 22: Amory

JBD Jellybean Dragon DARPG Joyroot HTML darpg Heavenscent rpw Centrefold hybrid NSDTR standard poodle Belldandy Import joyroot Harrier Bull Terrier closed species original dog