Caramella’s pack

A large pack of wolves and dogs and things in between. The pack is made of natural color k-9s and colorful ones. Is lead by caramella. The pack is basically a big polyamorous relationship with some friends. It’s caramella’s mates and their mates and their pups and whoever tags along. All characters are feral. Please DO NOT draw nsfw of any of the character here. That is gross and I don’t want that 

The world their pack is in is a mix between ginga densetsu weed and some other things. I haven’t done much world building tbh but that’s along the lines around what I’m thinking.

I also want this pack to be made up of outcast and miss fits (canonically and literal). A lot of/if not all of the pack will be from characters no longer wanted and this “lore” will be tied into why they joined the pack.