feel free to comment/pm me offers

Interested In:

  • Closed Species: Spinxyn, Baobears, Milqilin, Dainties
  • Fantasy humanoid designs (My Dragonverse and DnDverse folders may give you an idea!)
  • Modern humanoid designs (less interested than fantasy, but I'll still look!)
Not Interested In:
  • Ferals (Unless they are Baobears or by hoppang... kya)
  • Anthros
  • Sci-fi/Apocalyptic setting designs
I'd appreciate if you'd ex-tag/not include folders with ferals and anthros if possible! It makes it easier to look through things WAH

dainty crossbreed gns spinxyn nephfei guide vampire undead angel fairy demon werewolf vtuber seeker baobear youkai starlyng hybird closed species dnd milqilin nalu ufo grubbie tentative succilin werewoof snyail myo leafree uniccilin paypal animated selkilin customs nymph guide and seek seek merphin ursuki commission commissions hybrid guide seek genshin impact spinx bellacoste icon your character here bliss cs pobble lf art t humanoid ych comm custom