
All characters that make an appearance in my Soul Eater fanfiction, Half-Souled!

Sukina Stein is 15 years old, and has finally started school at the DWMA as a Meister. She's been hidden away in her house for 7 years, ever since her mother, Medusa, was killed. Her father, Professor Stein, is glad for her to start school, but he's unaware of the power of the witch half of her soul, which she keeps secret for fear of being killed.
Emily Evans is 12, daughter of the Death Scythe Soul Evans and the talented Meister Maka Evans, and she's been a Weapon at the DWMA for a month. She ended her first partnership yesterday, and she's about to lose hope that she'll connect to someone again... until she meets Sukina. The two quickly become friends and form a partnership, making their way through school. Soon, however, the darkness of Sukina's identity starts to cause problems, and they're on a greater scale than anyone had anticipated. Everyone is forced to take sides, and Emily must answer the burning question being thrown at her every day: Will she be able to forgive Sukina for what she's done?

female male human alien main character wizard nonbinary villain alokaze gem god hybrid agender fusion witch weapon spliced kishin centaur meister