stringbeanz's Bulletins


Posted 2 years, 29 days ago by stringbeanz

i need this i need this i need this i need this


questions (stolen from rockstar64)

Posted 2 years, 29 days ago by stringbeanz

the funky!!!!

also go follow rockstar64 they are fucking awesome!!!!!!!

[What song are you listening to rn?]

none but I'll ask my mom to let me listen to Spotify


[Favorite color(s)]

[Favorite Video Game of all time]

sonic 2 and kirby and the forgotten land
[Favorite Food] 

[Favorite Animal]

my cat

[Favorite Media that ppl say is crappy or bad (NOTHING ILLEGAL !!!) + why you think you like it]

sonic lost world, because i think it's fucking awesome and people hate on it for no reason

Favorite song from each favorite artist?

uhhh most of the artist's websites are blocked for me so you'll just have to look the dudes up sorry 

YOUTH 83: Into Dust
George Clanton: You lost me there
Whitewoods: Beach Walk

 Now time for something serious 

[Is there anything that scared the living shit out of you as a child?]

holy shit man,,,so many things,,,

[If "yes", what was it?]

Ehhh, probably that one episode from digimon tamers, the last few episodes where Jerri turns into this weird and fucked up monster, god, that scared the shit outta me,,,

[Was there anything you were into as a child that you weren't supposed to be into cuz your family didn't want you to like said thing(Again, nothing illegal)]

i don't know man

[Greatest fear? Like... a fear that gets you the most?]

the dark and also mandela catalogue. i think mandela catalogue is cool but that shit scary

[(IF YOU'RE TRANS) What made you come out as trans? Discomfort? Trauma? etc. / Skip if CIS]

uhhhhh i'm nonbinary, i haven't come out to my parents yet. my parents will most likely accept me, because they'll love me either way

[Have you ever met somebody who had a crush on you but you weren't attracted to them cuz of your sexuality?]


[Is there anybody you know that is LGBTQ+phobic? If so... how do you feel about it? Are/Were they close?]


[Was there anybody in your life or anybody in general, maybe a complete stranger or asshole who disrespected you cuz of your looks, identity, attraction, etc.?]

this one bitch named cameron 

[If so, what happened?]

he called me the r slur in 6th grade

[Song that p much tells how you are feeling atm?] 

idk but beach walk by whitewoods would suit me best

[What character represents you all the time? (IRL, Kin, or comfort characters count !!!)]

i'm not an IRL, but satori komeiji from touhou project would best represent me

[BIGGEST COMFORT CHARACTER (character you see as family, best friend, etc.)]

satori komeiji,,,,,,,i love her,,,,,

[Fictional crush???]

if you guessed satori komeiji, you're wrong. the correct answer was jessie from pokemon. and also many other female characters that i have crushes on because im a lesbiab

[Character that is either a IRL or Kin that you DO NOT want doubles of?]

uhhhhhh i kin satori komeiji but i'm not sure about doubles

[Characters that aren't you IRL nor a kin but you DO NOT want doubles of? (Comfort character, crush, etc.)]

idk man LMAO

[Do they remind you of somebody rlly close?]

uhhh hjshjshjshj

[What are your HCs for your IRL or Kin?]

uhhh i headcanon that satori likes to take walks outside when she's stressed out

[Do you like the way your IRL or Kin is portrayed in canon?]

i love how she's portrayed in canon, i think her canon personality suits her the best

[What about fanon / fandom ??? (Feel free to rant lol)]

holy shit i hate how people make her pissy about people thinking about boobies (satori can read minds btw) fanon satori komeiji please let people think about titties PLEASE

[What about HCs for your comfort character or crush?]

satori is both my kin and my comfort character but i also kin noelle holiday and noelle is also a comfort character so i headcanon that noelle's nose lights up when she's embarrassed

[Do you like how they are in canon?]

yes, yes i do.

[Fanon / Fandom?]

also yes but also no

[Favorite hetero ship? (Plz nothing illegal...)]

i don't have a lot hetero ships, most of them are of my ocs and i cant think of any ships rn im very stupib

[Favorite LGBTQ+ ship? (Same above...)]

ok now this is something i can list

Noelle x Susie (them homos)

Alphys x Undyne (also homos)

Mad Mewmew x Muffet (haha fucking rarepair am i right boys)

Shyren x Napstablook (napstablook is nonbinary so does this count?????? ajsashjashjsa)

Nazrin x Shou (they are both from touhou and they are women)

Minako x Mio (minako and mio are my ocs, they're also lesbians and mio keeps dying and coming back to life because HAHA PLOT TWIST SHE'S ACTUALLY A MAYFLY DISGUISED AS A HUMAN but she only lives for 6 days and minako is a depressed lesbian and keeps becoming sad bc her gf keeps dying and undying)

don't tell anybody i said this but sonic x knuckles is very poggers

[Least favorite ship n' why? (You can rant about illegal ships, yes lol)]

people like to ship satori komeiji with her sister and that pisses me off but that ship is also popular???? wtffffff

[Character(s) that you hate so much cuz they remind you of somebody who has hurt you in some way (aka discomfort character p much)]

pico from newgrounds. he reminds me of my platonic ex from a year ago because my platonic ex kinned pico and i haven't seen my platonic ex in ages because i got grounded in june 


thank you i am a miserable lesbian

(shitpost) super monkey ball

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by stringbeanz

oh shit i'm a monkey ball fan now

somebody helpimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs9F9WuBtTWaClcRSvuhg

tired moment

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by stringbeanz

its 8:54 pm 

im going to finish my homework now

bambisona ideas

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by stringbeanz

my brain really wants to make some bambisonas rn (definition of a bambisona: ocs that look like bambi from the Friday night funkin mod "Dave and Bambi".) I'll go look at some fuckin' uhhhh images to give myself ideas in the meanwhile

(shitpost) kirby has evolved

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by stringbeanz

what am i looking at


im finally losing my fucking MIND





meta knight is fucking LIVID. he is so fucking mad.

(shitpost hour begins)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by stringbeanz

ok so im going to start posting shitposts in a bit, most of these are pulled from my files pls don't question these