i. characters

#designs #usd

Designs created by myself for the purpose of being sold or traded. Usually created on F2U bases because I'm too lazy to draw my own (lmao).

#faunids #keldines #toskals

Characters that are part of a species or from a website (in the case of PixelCatsEnd). Includes Faunids, Not-Cats, Toskals, Mothcats, Keldines, and Tokotas.

#shera #mlp #homestuck

Characters designed that were inspired by a piece of a pre-existing media and live in that world. Includes characters inspired by Harry Potter, MLP, Homestuck, She-Ra, and Steven Universe.

#sonas #ocs

Original characters not part of a species or specific group. Theyre just a bunch of random blorbos grouped together so they don't feel left out. Includes my sonas!

#irl #cats #dogs

A folder for my IRL pets! Not much else to say about it, but if you like looking at pictures of cute cats, then hell yeah come on in. I currently have two cats and two dogs (split between two households)!

#rise #omens #stars

Clans and cats associated with warrior cat ARPGs. All are from ChickenSmoothie and most of them are now inactive or closed, but I continue to develop the clans. Includes clans from the ARPGs RISE, OMENS, STARS, Hunter's Woods, and Variegated.