
The main group of fantrolls.

gijinka urban original species kemonomimi closed species pokemon swsh temtem purple humanoid magick FOR SALE cs UFS ADOPTABLE ADOPT fantasy USD rainbow shiny myo violet alcremie rural desert Original Species puppypresident hunter celestial sona fallen stars luminette faunicorn pikachu SALE seraphim underworld momochu open species noodle fluffer faunsies jingle pup skeletelestic kiyakittensaito e-m-m Hoksho pique smooshkin eliore hootles pkii tahzik human pink blimpcat were persona space galatome fenerheart bird of paradise Flying Teacup Fox nidoqueen coalossal regice gyalis huntios sylveon vaporeon venos kitpaii joojoo appositi salamence lopunny craigosaurus cutiebot rein-adopts idol fortwyn faunsie ascherune Keemeko Panda skwovet regirock heaven hoshiberry veilhound rkzn rpg red blood moon cinderace mudsdale aegislash solgaleo braviary espeon seismunch loali wiplump occlura oceara yowlar capyre hocus zizare deendre gazuma tukai mineront mechanic sugardragon blakrye twin Destroyers military Gem Arcturus. honeynuggets rzkn asylumpatient101 herbteapot sassymassacre joojooadopts softscales noxiousnoxxie kittydog honeyowl cleer urmille tetetier dnd chesta Veilhound eclipse Original trainer ribombee absol zeraora articuno archeops urshifu blaziken charizard tuwai paharac orphyll raiber shuine goty azuroc osuchi mushi momo blooze droply tuvine sergal strawbbeary ribbun fursona Bourbon. jotaku dream sheep Eclipse Phase mousu nyap finpy jinglelope cheebii laepus rileydoodles charmsey grphonslade yami turtlepaws SCPkid rani lalion kandidkainine protector chirodae rosanite hoksho moon monochromatic spidersona sirfetchd decidueye zacian tornadus regidrago registeel tateru bunbun babawa pewki nessla rhoulder saku saipat magmis kuri zephyruff kalazu turoc madshy DnD Firewall chu chu bat vocaloid nilwing gryphonslade rein aomaoe howl dreamy glitzy wildren onyxbell purrjinn rumcandy puubear ponpoe parfum sprite keepsake redsplendence 6enesis lunar lunar eclipse spider-verse kartana froslass starmie magmortar tarrakion moltres zapdos platox hidody barnshe crystle anahir houchic valash pycko ukama toxolotl grumvel adoroboros dracostryx pawling male semi open species lalalamb grey elf Slayers of Rham horizon utau Steven Universe cloki imperial lung dreamweaver softie nissie semi-open species celestial siren umbral-wind ampha cyclopurr aomao miraculous telltail witchuru pokopom secreph