










. intro

nestled alongside the edge of a small mountain range and within a forest of pine trees lies valleyclan. wip

. territory

territory map // bordering clans ©


. history

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[ PREY ]

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valleyclan is open-minded when it comes to their neighbors and tries to stay on friendly terms with them as much as possible. they've picked up a fair amount of allies among their borders, and their relationship with other clans is neutral at worst.


the ranks in valleyclan are similar to those in a traditional clan, though the "warrior" rank is split into three subgroups: guardians, hunters, and foragers.

  • LEADER |  the leader of the clan. they're given nine lives from their ancestors upon gaining leadership, as well as the traditional clan leader suffix, "star". 

  • AIDE | the second-in-command, who often assists the leader with making major decisions for the clan. the clan's aide is in charge of organizing patrols, and take over leadership duties when the leader is away. if something were to happen to the clan's current leader, the aide would assume leadership.

  • HEALER | as per their name, the clan's healers primary focus is to heal their sick or injured clanmates. they specialize in herbs and medicine and have a wide knowledge on how to use them. they occasionally communicate with their ancestors, though any kind of direct contact with them is uncommon.

  • GUARDIANS |  trained to defend the clan, valleyclan's guarians are given the most combat training as apprentices. they mainly patrol the borders to ensure that they're clear, as well as accompany hunters or foragers to ensure their safety. they'll fight off predators and intruders if necessary, though that's usually only a last resort.

  • HUNTERS  | desc.

  • FORAGERS  | though they have some training in hunting and defense, their main focus is to gather outside resources for the clan. they have a decent knowledge of herbs, and will help collect the ones more difficult to get for the clan's healers if necessary.

  • APPRENTICES | desc.

  • CARETAKERS | desc.

  • KITS | desc.

  • ELDERS | desc.



