‣ bayguild

the Baydweller Guild

aberrant ★ accepting ★ placid

  • stars
  • level two
  • created 7/11/2020
  • cats 39

Blessed by both arcane and divine magic, the cats of Acastus are well developed in making and using both weapons and magic. Formed through bonds of friendship and need to survive among ferocious beasts, the guild's main headquarters sit in a fixed-up Greek temple on the island's peninsula. No matter their skills and abilities, there is a place in the guild for every cat. It is a community based on found family and accommodating for others. The most important thing t the guild is finding a place for every cat.

The guild worships a pantheon of nine different gods, who are the divine that bless their clerics, warlocks and paladins with magic. Upon graduating their initiateship, each cat is gifted a hand-crafted piece of clothing or accessory that the guild's craftsman made for them, based on their class and their personality. This is a sacred item to each cat, and destroying or wearing another cat's piece has cats immediately ousted from the guild.