surli's Bulletins

look at charity adopt for palestine

Posted 2 hours, 29 minutes ago by surli

really banger design by friend lee stanley howlhawk once again! no sb yet get in there. my orders to you

unhinged email administration sent out

Posted 2 days, 8 hours ago by surli

if I don't talk about it I'll go insane so let's take this point by point. I'm probably done updating about this, I'm leaving tomorrow. this is more of a rant than anything

"We want to acknowledge that this has been an extremely challenging week for Cal Poly Humboldt. We are hurting within our campus community and beyond, and we have much work in front of us to reset, rebuild, and heal. This will take time. We will do this together."
acknowledge, but not take responsibility for. YOU hurt US, your students and your faculty. you sent RIOT COPS in to BEAT us. YOU CREATED the challenging circumstances. WE DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS "TOGETHER". this is insanely condescending.

"The unlawful actions that took place this past week stand in contrast to our values and beliefs—and can never happen again."
anyone else feel like they're being scolded by a parent right now

"We unequivocally support the rights of students and others to assemble peacefully, to protest, and to have their voices heard."

"We must also recognize the difference between free speech and unlawful  activities that put others and protesters themselves at risk."

"As we call for peace, we must all practice it."
I don't even have to say anything about that one do i. like. [gesturing frantically and spluttering] this is just. this is 

"It is often the case that in extreme challenges communities come  together. We have been deeply moved by the hundreds of staff and faculty who went well beyond  their standard roles on campus in order to support the extensive needs  of our community"
are you fucking crazy like are you fucking insane? the community came together TO RESIST YOU. the faculty held OFFICE HOURS on the CROSSWALK OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL because YOU BANNED THEM FROM THEIR OFFICES, and then in their DRIVEWAYS once you BANNED THEM FROM THE FUCKING PUBLIC SIDEWALK!!!!!!!!! the faculty came together in support of the students because YOU SCREWED US AND THEM OVER!!!!! the students came together to have EACH OTHER'S backs with food and medical attention and YOU taking the credit for that is FUCKING INSANE!!!

"This is who we are as a community—one that has a shared commitment and dedication to those we serve: our students."
this one has me speechless again. see above.

"We want to encourage you all to care for yourselves and others during this time—and to continue to use intellect  and reason to challenge the status quo and make the world a better  place."

"Our hope is that you are able to engage in meaningful dialogue with respect, empathy, and humanity."

"Lastly, let us use this opportunity to remind ourselves, our community and beyond of our shared vision at Cal Poly Humboldt: to be a campus for those who seek above all else to improve the global human condition and our relationship with the environment.
We know we will get there—together."

let's summarize this pile of garbage.

first they shrug off responsibility for the pain they directly caused by using language like it's this external Thing that Happened to all of us, this Tragedy we all Went Through together just by chance. as if they didn't have control of the entire situation. it was one hundred percent within admin's power to have this go extremely peacefully and smoothly. they CHOSE to escalate day one.
then they hit us with the "this can never happen again :( we encourage you to do free speech but not like that"
stop with the fucking "we" there is no "we" anymore. we are so fundamentally at odds here. you sent hundreds of riot cops to suppress a peaceful protest against GENOCIDE. you can no longer claim to share the same goals as the student body you violently opposed. we don't have a shared vision. you don't give a fuck about improving the global human condition and it's actually fucking disgusting that you had the audacity to claim that you do after this.
and then saying it was all for the students. what a fucking joke. you upended our lives. you beat us and jailed us. those who didn't protest, you cancelled all their classes, locked their professors away, disallowed them from going anywhere near campus, interrupted their access to food, and stationed armed cops in their study spaces to watch them at all times.
it's really giving "as your parent I know what's best for you". We are adults. We are PAYING YOUR SALARIES.
it's fucking ridiculous to claim to stand by land back while showing your ass like this in the same breath. showing how you actually do love the police state and using it to violently enforce colonialism.

go fuck yourself tom jackson and all the rest. you deserve nightmares like the ones my roommate has been having for days from the stress and worry of knowing you were sending hundreds of cops to hurt our fellow students.

update to previous bulletin

Posted 4 days, 11 hours ago by surli

31 people, including one professor and a journalist, arrested last night between 3 and 4 am. siemens hall (the originally occupied and barricaded building) and nelson hall (24 hr study space building, propped open and made an accessible space for maintained bathrooms, storage of supplies, and a place to rest indoors. had doors outside barricades so was accessible to all) were taken by cops. liberated zone destroyed. 

south side residents are no longer allowed to access the dining hall. we're supposed to eat at the marketplace, which is basically a convenience store. it normally has a very small selection of hot food, but hasn't for the past week. you can't use meal swipes there. what you can get there is way less food for way more money than the dining hall, with way less variety. it's often straight up inaccessible to some because it doesn't always have vegan/vegetarian/gluten free/etc options.

there are just under 2 weeks left in the semester and none of us in south side can get full meals.

(update: as of 4/30 night we were allowed access again so they must have gotten a LOT of complaints lol. we are still barred from crossing campus to get there and cops are everywhere. i've heard about them being rude to students who are trying to get food)

the email sent out praised a restoration of order and control, and suppression of the "violence" and "serious crimes".

let me be absolutely clear. there was no violence at this protest. this is a myth. this is not true. there was zero violence until the riot cops created it.
as for crimes... graffiti and trespassing. existing where they weren't supposed to.

i'm just so fucking disgusted by the response to this. all we fucking asked for was a free palestine and that was so abhorrent to my university, my university which constantly preaches its performative support for landback, that they sent in fucking riot cops. last night, the cops pulled up to give the dispersal order and the crowd's response was to put on palestinian music and drum and dance waving flags. that's your fucking violence.

if I ever see president tom jackson I'll spit on him.

afk - campus lockdown (free palestine)

Posted 6 days, 44 minutes ago by surli

title sounds dramatic but no I haven't been especially involved in protests, just letting you guys know any delay on responses and activity is because the past week has been especially tumultuous and it gives me an excuse to talk about what's happening. some incredibly brave students at my school have occupied the administrative building since monday evening and refuse to vacate until demands are met -- divestment of university funds and cutting of ties from all israel-affiliated businesses and universities, and an official statement from the school in support of ending the genocide and occupation of palestine.

the first response to students sitting in a building after closing was to send in armed riot cops to forcibly remove them. students resisted by physically pushing back cops. many many people i've talked to or seen talking about this have said it was inappropriate for students to attack cops, even when those cops were armed and protected (helmets and tactical gear and shields) and the students were not, and even though the cops attempted too physically drag students out of the building first. this was particularly alarming to me -- that we live in such a police state that people are more worried about the cop getting bonked on the helmet with an empty plastic water jug than the unarmed, unarmored students being attacked and arrested by cops in full riot gear. a helicopter was also diverted from a search and rescue mission for a juvenile who went missing in a nearby river to come circle campus for hours with a spotlight.

campus was closed following the conflict and cops left after six hours. classes were cancelled through wednesday. on wednesday, during a peaceful teach-in on the quad by the anthropology and history departments, the closure was extended through sunday. the claim is that the occupation of this building causes "complex" issues that apparently completely prevent the rest of campus from functioning, except, of course, the dining halls, residence halls, and children's center, which are apparently safe from the Danger the peaceful protest imposes on every class building including the ones at the far south end of campus (it's worth mentioning that the dining hall is immediately north of the protest)

the president of the university claims he is "too busy focusing on keeping campus open" to give any consideration to the ~170-10 vote of no confidence in his leadership by the california faculty association in a thursday meeting. he says the protesters are "criminals" and he refuses to condemn the actions of israel.

yesterday, campus went into "hard closure": no one's allowed in, or on campus at all, except those of us who live here. we're only allowed in our residence halls, and in dining facilities. i'm staying on the south side of campus (cops have been provided refreshments and a place to meet and relax in what was our residence hall's study and hangout space and we aren't allowed in anymore and our immediate area is crawling with them) and we're supposed to leave campus and walk 15 minutes outside it and then re-enter with a cop's permission to get to the dining facilities that are at the north end, instead of going across campus. naturally we haven't been doing this and have just been avoiding cops and going through the liberated quad, which is guarded and barricaded against cops. it has a mutual aid kitchen, regular meals served by food not bombs, chalking and painting signs and music, free menstruation products and toothpaste and toothbrushes and whatever else is needed for hygiene, and a constant stream of needed supplies from the community. it's so well organized

tomorrow they're going to really start cracking down on letting anyone be on campus. 200 cops are coming by 10pm

so yeah if you were curious about the fine details of the occupation here that's what's up uhh I don't have a good closure to this shit is evolving every minute but i'm safe (anyway it's not about me it's about palestine but yeah)

wooow its my ocs biirtdaaay

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by surli

I forgot to draw him on his creation day anniversary (march 20, 4 years) and I'm really struggling with my intended drawing for him today, which, what else is new! so I'm just telling you by bulletin my april fool baby is special today yayyy annoyingg ass


also flash opening for one custom

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by surli

I don't like turning people away so it's just open till I get a small number to choose from. only doing ONE slot!


there will likely be opportunities to try again in the future and you can 100% use the same idea in the future I'm just limiting myself strictly to one comm at a time rn!

open for 1 outfit chibis sheet comm

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by surli

hi guys! been wanting to do one of these for a bit and finally have some semblance of time so i thought i'd open a slot just to see what happens. will close again if i get busy even if it isn't taken!

it'd be the same chibi of your oc with different outfits drawn on, like the scribbly example below but finished (flat colors).
250 USD for 6 outfits (underwear + five complete outfits), or 200 for 4 outfits (underwear + three). they could also hold an item w each outfit!
conditionally fcfs (I gotta see the character first). lmk if you're interested!


a few free chars (update: all gawn)

Posted 2 months, 26 days ago by surli

please do not take them if you give zero shits about them. please learn to resist the urge to take something you don't want solely because you Can Have It. internalize this about life in general, that we may someday see the defeat of the tragedy of the commons

that being said please do take these guys off my hands!

thank you guys i appreciate it!

linking ocs + tell me abt your headworlds!

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by surli

i want to play toys. i have this tag for guys who are just furries without stories or anything like that

- they can just look nice together or we can think about the lives they live...
- we can talk about it and figure out things, and/or you can just go ahead and request a link!
- some of my guys don't even have personalities so i'd love to figure out some dynamics i could use to polarize them a little. if there's a Favorite Ship(including platonic) Dynamic you wish to create let's do it!
- I will say I'm sort of souping about sorrel, forrest, and a few others  being in college together but that's pretty much all i got.

- if you have furry headworlds you like people having ocs in tell me about them! i like moving my ocs into other people's universes LOL [looks sideways at The Obvious Example]
- they don't have to be super in depth dont be shy! even just an established cozy Setting..
- and even if you dont wanna link guys or whatever tell me about your worlds anyway!

this post is a mess i'm evidently just feeling social. LOL

reminder: free toyhouse codes

Posted 4 months, 8 hours ago by surli

I always have a ton available. I don't believe you should ever have to buy it trade art for one. refer anyone you like to me 👍 or grab one yourself! codes are so accessible at this point that i see nothing wrong with alt accounts