《  ̄Boy's Service

Boy's Service o BS es una subtrama parte del lore que estoy creando a mis personajes donde se trata de chicos que dan sus servicios dependiendo de su especialidad, en su mayoría trabajan Femboys o chicos afeminados

Boy's Service or BS is a subplot part of the lore that I am creating for my characters where it is about boys who provide their services depending on their specialty, mostly Femboys or effeminate boys work.

Story gift Adopt Main MYO story male cat Male Sale Sanctilae Cute Human Art UFO Boy No Fandom Emo Common Adoptable Starbound Adult neko offlimits murderer Wolf RP humanoid red Intercambio Adop non-fantasy Black clothes Zombie Bunny Y2k ghost free to enter USD Open boy He-Him Single No ship PRIORITY angel Cheetah ota Orca Im hungry Sea bunny Anthro raffle Amino Bee Adopts Open to adopt masculine space Furry Fc artfightdtpay gamer love Cat guy Almost blind Plush Oc Rare freebie Kemonomimi Usd masc blue vampire Confortsona NO Purga Angel valentines day lovecore ufs Dark Tired face Grunge Alieflollata f2e Paypal Humanoid tsumito