Miasmo and Ourano

Dawn of Miasmo and Ourano

You're not sure what happened. You were having a nice time with your friends, your biggest worries were probably about your jobs or families or friends, then you went to bed as part of your normal schedule. Nothing unusual was going to happen.

…well, that's what you thought before waking up in Teyvat, didn't you?

While you're not as controversial as the previous travelers, there's nonetheless an air of suspicion around you that even the Knights of Favonius can't avoid. Does the line of travelers appearing in Mondstadt foretell good fortune, or is there an omen from either Teyvat or another world that led to your presence here?

Regardless, you are given the choice to work with the Knights of Favonius, or to follow in the footsteps of the other two travelers. The first, a girl searching for her brother, who has been to many worlds before Teyvat; the second, a boy who is connected to a "Forgotten God" known as Corynacht, extracted from a tomb of ice, and is currently traveling to find answers alongside Kaeya.

The first traveler brought both tragedy and mercy with her; Stormterror was stopped, but then Rex Lapis was confirmed dead during his descension.

Meanwhile, the boy is only raising questions. Who is Corynacht, and does the name being inquired into mean the return of a Forgotten God? What is his connection to the Tsaritsa, or the previous ice archon, the latter of whom had frozen him long ago? And what of the lost civilization that Corynacht had tried to raise?

Meanwhile, a new pair of elements has begun to stir within Teyvat, one of which seems to be connected to Corynacht, and the other seeming to rise along with its counterpart's awakening. These elements, Miasmo and Ourano, Darkness and Light, could either save Teyvat from ever greater threats -- or tear the world apart.

A Genshin Impact campaign I'm working on to play with friends, using the Glitter Hearts system with some homebrewing.

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