tan0san's Bulletins


LittleBlackRoses wins Postman boy!      

Thank you to everyone who participated!

As for those whose concepts got chosen for the free customs event, expect a DM from me for the next 48 hours ! 
I won't be announcing which concept was chosen, but thank you so much to all who have submitted their concepts, they were all tremendously interesting and it was a very tough choice to choose which ones I'd do! 
As for the lil freebies, I can't promise they'll arrive to you at any specific time, but do expect that it will be delivered! 

That's all from me! Haveeee a good one everyone <33

Needs rehoming! UFO!

Posted 3 months, 23 days ago by tan0san

Got some bbs that sadly needs rehoming <3

Looking for trades / art!

To all those who I have a debt of art from (aka those listed in the "Backlog" category on my trello),

I'm very sorry for the terrible delay/wait. If I haven't contacted you by now when I posted this bulletin, that means I have no idea if I can contact you or how I can contact you. I've left Amino but I left my socials and my th if anyone wanted to come find me! If you're one of the people listed on my trello (I only list those that were concretely agreed on), then please feel free to message me here or give me a quick email on [email protected]! I'm not much active here but I check from time to time, whereas I am more likely to see your message quicker when you email me. 

I sincerely apologize again. I assure you that I aim to complete all the cards in my trello and that I will not abandon any of the commissions unless there was an inevitable reason or if you tell me to not continue it (which would be understandable, because most of them are unpaid)! So if you wish to go through the transaction, please contact me. <3

Custom / Commission Tickets

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by tan0san

tan's commission & custom tickets

Are these for sale?

Limited time sale period has ended, so nope. These will never be offered again for monetary purposes from now on aside from when I trade my tickets to for something else like characters!

For my regular commissions with flexible prices and art examples, please refer to my carrd and TH

To know more about how these tickets work, please read this whole!


I apologize if they are a bit overpriced, but you won't have to haggle around with me if it's an extremely detailed comm/character since it's flat priced! So feel free to make the most of its worth!

Individual Tickets:

Sketch page : $20

     - max of 3 characters, includes

       three(3) sketches of any kind,

       with option of colored.

 Colored half body : $30

Painted Bust : $30

Painted Half : $40

 Painted Full : $70

All of the above only has plain / one color background, request can be any complexity of pose / composition, etc!

Sketchy Illustration : $95

     - Max of one(1) character

     - Any scene / props / BG

     - Sketchy colored

     - Additional character: +$25

 Custom Design : $110

     - Any style you want (Flat,

       sketchy painted, or painted)

     - As complex as you want it

       to be.

     - Can provide alt clothing ref /

       chibi full / extra art, you choose!

Other packs

Painted pack : $105

     - Includes one(1) painted bust,

       one(1) painted half, one(1)

       painted full body

     - Any complexity


What are these tickets?

Basically they are tickets that you can use/avail any time if you're unsure of what to commission right now but would like to take the limited time deal. My commission prices are usually very flexible, so these flat prices will either be subjectively overpriced or underpriced :'') so feel free to make most of it and take advantage of what is offered when you buy one!

Also, these tickets are regarded as re-tradeable goods. If a ticket is traded for a character, the trader must be able to receive the character when the other party has received ownership of the ticket. Same goes for other kinds of goods. In other words, a scenario wherein the trader will only be able to receive the goods only when I have finished/started the commission for the ticket should not happen.

If I can avail it any time, isn't it just a regular commission but offered at flat price then?

Yep, the only difference is: it's flat-priced, and the complexity isn't fixed. My regular commissions are flexible in prices so you get what you pay for, but this deal gives you an opportunity to overwork me to the bone with the price of a full course meal. You can avail the tickets any time AFTER a cool down of 2 weeks from the date you received/bought the ticket. Also, if it's a "Month" commission ticket (e.g. January ticket, February ticket, etc.) it would mean that you will only be able to avail that ticket at that specific month onwards and no earlier than that (this is to lessen my workload by the month).

This, however, does NOT mean I will be able to do your commission right away / prioritize your commission when you avail it. It just means that the moment you avail it, your commission will officially be on my worklist.

Am I required to have a toyhouse to buy one?

No, instead, you will need to provide me 2-3 platforms where I can contact/find you since I will be listing down everyone who owns a commission ticket from me and to prevent it getting wrongly distributed / re-distributed! e.g. TH, discord, twitter, insta, amino, etc. only list ONE(1) amino profile please!

Is there a limit to tickets I can buy?

Nope! Buy as many as you want! It's a limited time offer after all ^^

Do you accept payment plans?

Yes, but payment plans can only be as long as fourteen (14) days / two(2) weeks max! If you fail to pay within due dates of the plan but have already paid for the first plans, it cannot be refunded and the payments that went through will automatically be counted as donation.

I bought one, but can I resell it if I don't get to use it?

Yes, but you must first: 

1) Ask me for permission / notify me so that I will be able to list down the new owner's handle, 

2) You are responsible with how you resell the ticket— through trades, etc. but if you're reselling it for USD or real currency, you can only resell it with the exact price you bought it for, no higher nor less, strictly.

3) Always refer the new owner of the ticket to this bulletin and my TOS, and advise them to follow the rules. You are also not allowed to resell anything made by me to someone in my blacklist.

I will be commenting updates whenever an owner of the ticket tells me that they are putting up a tan ticket for offers / reselling them. For private reasons, I will not be stating the names of the owners on the updates, but rather only the ticket they're reselling. To give them proof of ownership, I will either: comment on the eo / resell post, or contact the person they are reselling it to and verify the ticket. Feel free to dm me to ask whether a person truly owns a ticket or not if the reseller hasn't provided the mentioned proof (please provide a link or a screenshot as well), I don't mind at all since it's right to be cautious. I will be keeping a private log of the owners, this is to prevent the ticket being re-distributed wrongly. 

How long does the commission ticket lasts for?

A whole year from the day you bought them or a whole year from the month of its availability, further than that the ticket will be null ;;

· • ─────────── • ·

How do I buy tickets?

Simply DM me the following:

1) 2-3 platforms (with links) where I can contact you

2) Tickets you want to buy

3) Do you agree to my TOS and abide by every rule stated in this post?

Just a reminder! If you think these are too overpriced for your simple commission, please refer to this thread for my regular commissions!

That's all, thank you!

Current list of tickets distributed:

  • 1 owner - 1 any-type commission ticket 
    • available until: Dec 15, 2022
  • 1 owner - 2 custom tickets 
    • available until: Dec 31, 2022
  • 3 owners - February tickets of (1) colored profile;(1) sketch page; (1) colored chibi; (1) painted chibi
    • available until: February 1, 2023
  • 2 owners - March tickets of (1) colored profile; (2) any-type commission tickets
    • available until: March 1, 2023