tea-leaf's Bulletins

comms uwu

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by tea-leaf

Help me get verified on vgen <3


  • $5 pixel sprite
  • $30 animated chibi icon
  • $50 pedro dance YCH
  • $60 animated chibi fullbody


collab animated chibi ych

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by tea-leaf

Would anybody be interested in a chibi comm like this? (collab with eternalfyre413). YCH for $50 or original for $60 USD. im open to making fyre animate anything (lmfao).



Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by tea-leaf

anybody want this character? https://toyhou.se/1324977.klippfisk/gallery

u can offer art or friendship i dont really care i just want them gone


Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by tea-leaf

in honour of all the af notifs ive got ill try to participate this year https://artfight.net/~tea-Ieaf


Posted 3 months, 26 days ago by tea-leaf


Posted 5 months, 3 days ago by tea-leaf

im leaving social media bc i dont like it. i will return to toyhouse on occasion for storage, but otherwise, i probably won't be posting very much here.

im gonna move my ass to discord. if you want to support me/my art feel free to join my server (its more of a friend server than mine) where i plan to post more. its new so its a bit uhh empty BUT i wanna give everybody who joins their own channel or forum space to post their art so i can support my friends! you're welcome to join or not there's no pressure but yeah im just gonna chill

for interface folks that will still be my main base of operations, so to speak. ive been on break bc ive been unwell plus school started and there's a lot of work in advanced biomed honours (rip my ass) but i still think about it daily lol.

i made the other server to have a space for just all my silly little ideas and doodles bc i dont want to post my random shit in interface but i still wanna show all my friends who i love a lot. no age limit or nothin so drop by if u want https://discord.gg/6dxa8N5KQx

i am trying so hard but my god its hard being alive.

art trades

Posted 5 months, 13 days ago by tea-leaf

i wanna do some art trades w friends and im gonna make a thread post in IF server but i wanted to see if anybody outside IF was interested? idk i need to practice and i want something low pressure lmk if ur interested, happy to do as basic as ppl want just for funsies if ur fyre just dm me we should collab uwu

check out this sick raffle

Posted 7 months, 15 days ago by tea-leaf

https://toyhou.se/24765508.f2e-art-raffle-yay alli_ens

their characters are kinda gay too so sub to them :eyes: