Camp Radio

So! You decided that this summer was going to be better than the last. That you could TOTALLY kick it in some camp for a month just so you weren't sitting alone in your room while your parents fought over zucchini. It was going fine! You were having a blast, racing boys just to prove that girls are better, making friends with a girl who you're pretty sure is a pyromaniac in training, and becoming the big sister type to a kid 4 years younger than you who definitely shouldn't be here. Everything was fine! Until you punched a dude in the face, and then he promptly turned around and punched you right back. 

But hey! Kids will be kids, right? Right. Except now, you're being forced to "bond over your mistakes" with him. In the lunch hall, while a junior counselor who's only a year older than both of you, and probably way too underpaid to actually care, watches you like a hawk. 

Welcome to Camp Midnight Radio! (more commonly known as Camp Radio)

Don't go too far into the woods.