Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

I might talk about triggering things including; drugs and alchohol abuse , self harm and suicide, murder, mistreatment/abuse, involuntary experimentation, child neglect, child abuse  and  death, please be cautious when viewing my content


DO NOT and I mean DO NOT draw nsfw of ANY  of my characters they are all very personal to me and/or theyre underaged, be a decent person and dont draw lewd things of 15 year olds made by a literal child

please do not ask for pings or offer on my characters outside of my up for offer folder

all my characters are free to draw if you have any questions tell me



-basic dni criteria

-if you're associated and/or support _._kitkin_._/_._cupsy_._/miomagica 

- participate in toyhouse dramas

- consume / draw feral porn

- vore/fat fetishists 

-think hypersexuality is just being horny 24/7

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