ufopiesek's Bulletins

back for maintenance yay

Posted 5 months, 8 days ago by ufopiesek

Haven't looked in here in a hot while, for I had a crisis over the summer, where I wanted to delete all my social media and hide in a hole in the ground. Again.

Mostly keeping this place alive for storage. I'm gonna be changing some things up. Still debating with myself on whether or not everything should be logged-in-users-only. Art of all characters should be up to date, that's not a concern I don't think.

Deleting Requests

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by ufopiesek

Hi guys, sorry for this but back when I opened requests I thought 30-ish drawings would be a breeze, but actually I took too much on myself and then neglected it because of how overwhelming it felt. Sorry guys, I don't think I can go through with it, and therefore will be deleting the place for requests. Your images (the 2 of them lol) will remain I think, because they're attached to your characters.

Just trying to clean up the mess, sorry for the 1000th time   


Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by ufopiesek

I just want to announce that all of the characters in the PURGE folder are for sale!!!

It's hard for me to give them away, since I was genuinely attached to them, but was too lazy/busy to ever draw them.

Offer money or art depending on the trade listing. The characters are all (I think - full disclosure, I don't keep precise records like some people) within reasonable prices.

Life Updates and Privating Projects

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by ufopiesek


I've been absent for months and I'm going to be absent for some more time, as I'm struggling to end my first year of university. After that's done, I'm going to be free and catch up with everything.

Another important thing is that I'm privating my project folders and the characters belonging to them. A lot of information there is outdated and I'm already cringing at some of it. And there's a lot of placeholders. The folders will be publicly available again once I sort that out.