untoldultimatum's Bulletins

Update: Webcomic + Sheezy

Posted 22 hours, 47 minutes ago by untoldultimatum

I launched a new webcomic (not furry or Pokémon related but still hopefully entertaining!) and have a Sheezy account now. Not much is posted on either but bear with me. Life has been kicking my ass, as usual.

Edit: Also, I'm no longer posting on InkBlot. I don't want to get into details but long story short I was a staff member there for about a year and it was a very draining experience. I don't even want to look at the site long enough to delete my account.

Commissions Closed Indefinitely

Posted 4 months, 9 days ago by untoldultimatum

Hello everyone. I was hoping I wouldn't have to make this update, and was promising myself I could continue to work if I just held out for a little longer, but I can't keep living that lie, especially not silently.

As some of you may know, I have cancer. I've been struggling with it since 2021. I was in remission for awhile, but after several hospital visits in the past month, attempts at recovery, and news today that all but confirmed I have a recurrence, I can't say I am anymore. It is entirely my fault that I did not communicate this. All I have to say is that I didn't know I'd keep getting hit by this metaphorical truck, otherwise I wouldn't have been so quiet on the matter or even built up a queue in the first place.

After careful consideration I have decided to close commissions indefinitely. Everyone who has been awaiting one will receive a full refund. If I ever re-open commissions I will post another bulletin, but I don't see that happening unless my life changes radically.

Once more I apologize sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest.


Posted 11 months, 20 days ago by untoldultimatum

currently constructing a rebrand don't mind the clutter!