vblank's Bulletins

Make Your Own Cubeardoll Event

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by vblank

no idea how many people are subscribed here but i have a small announcement for a really cute closed species

okay so cubeardolls are ball jointed bear (usually) dolls (usually) filled with candy. i have a couple already that i haven't moved over from deviantart because i'm just that kind of person, but they're having a MYO event where you click this (https://www.deviantart.com/cubeardoll/journal/New-Years-Free-Cubeardoll-MYO-Event-865497311) link and do the stuff it tells you and you get an entirely free uncommon, or higher, slot. seriously they're really cute and entirely worth looking into so hit the link, join the discord, and i'm excited to see if i actually sent anyone over lol