OCS with RL stuff

This is a spot for my characters (besides woas ocs) who have physical objects based off of them. Sculptures, plushies, maybe fursuits eventually. Stuff like that.
Just want a spot to put them.
These characters will never be for sale/trade, not only bc I love them but also bc I am So not going through the effort of shipping things to people. 


pokerus labs woas fishtail Corrupted AC bfb bfdi object CS sona cc Pokerus Labs werm OS worm on a string wermz want art Yeehaw Clans worm Warnings Lab dnd pokeruslabs silly-sweetness arborling monster DD Fishtail strudel cafe pokemon Volts OC forart midveil idog object oc midvieler bard Rehoming Needs Fullbody TFDNE Object merbant animal crossing but... minotaur Pteronaps - im in love help Silent Screams Bfdi cs