
I kinda don't really see a reason to hold onto them anymore. They're more starter characters, but of course I'm sure someone may find them useful for their stories or RPs.

If any of these characters interest you, DM me with a basic idea you have for them and how you plan to use them.

- Please do not DM me with an entire book. I'm talking maybe 4-7 sentences tops.
- Please do not DM me anything sexual. It makes me uncomfortable.
- I love seeing moodboards and even ideas for new outfits! Though, this is definitely not required!
- Please include the phrase i am breadmilk somewhere in your DM so I know you read through these rules.
- Please do not ask for a design and use it as fodder. I will block you if I see this happening.
- Please do not completely change the entire character beyond recognition.
- Please only ask for a character you intend to use.

If you fail to follow of any of the above, I will delete your message.

Thank you!

Dont Even Ask female pending Single icetus non cs heartdoll closed species Open Ufo offlimits snugbaby icee-tan wings whistler Tent trade Sale trade only cs EOT