The Night Knights

With Earth facing attack from a team of villainous fruit-themed aliens set on stealing Earth's most precious resource--flavor--a team of galactic overseers tasked with observation only decide that they cannot stand by and watch Earth be drained of its zest!  In a frenzied late night session of 3d printing, programming, and trawling wikipedia, they send a series of transformation devices programmed with uniforms, weapons, and physics macros down to Earth to be found by its would-be defenders.  Unfortunately, there was no time for spell-check during this late-night extrajudicial programming session, so many of the defenders' names and powers are comically misspelled . . .  Night Knight Vampire Bat is now Vampire Cat, and teammate Night Knight Warthog becomes Night Knight Ward Hawk.  Only time will tell what other strange teammates Vampire Cat and Ward Hawk shall find and whether they'll be able to defeat the villainous Strawberry Bad &co before all of Earth is left with a bad taste in its mouth!