Drowned & Spared

These are all characters in my story! No offers on these (:

Drowned and Spared is a distant warrior cats AU of a large tribe of cats called the Tribe of the Drowned Forest. The story starts soon after their leader dies. In a normal clan, this wouldn't cause much trouble, but the tribe must always have two deputies at a time. These deputies have to go to the Glittering Pond, this worlds version of the Moon Pool, and get chosen by their Ancestors to see who can become the next leader and receive their nine lives. 

This causes strife between two particular deputies, making the tribe split up.

The tribe famously has three distinct roles instead of just one type of warrior. Because of their vast lands consisting of sea, rivers, thick forest, and rocky mountains, the tribe had to adapt to the elements.  There are three different ranks for warriors:

Rockclaws, strong, muscular cats who are notoriously brave and ready for adventure who are profound at hunting in the harsh mountains. They're amazing climbers and not scared of heights, being skilled with jumping and hunting the large birds that live in the mountains.

Wetfoots- affectionately called 'soggy paws' from time to time by other tribe-mates, these cats are wonderful swimmers and love to catch fish. The territory has a river and some streams, but the main place to hunt plenty of fish is the Shallows. A tide-pool like area where the sea is very shallow and rocky. There are tons of fish there to breed and lay eggs, and they are very easy to catch and trap. When the season is right, cats will bring home clumps of fish eggs, a delicacy among the tribe.

Mosspelts-  These cats are wonderful hunters in the thick, damp, mossy forest the tribe calls home. They're experts in hunting both ground prey and climbing trees. The forest is no easy place to hunt, for the heavy rains and humid climate make it hard to scent prey. The forest is thick with underbrush and prey have too many places to hide. These cats have to have the most keen senses, being able to hear, see, and scent the prey that lives in the deep, dense Drowned Forest.

Healers are an honorable mention. The tribe can have up to four to five healers at a time, as it's large and requires a lot of paws to take care of all the cats. The healers can have mates. It's not against any laws to have kits, although it can be controversial, as it as seen as irresponsible and if the timing is wrong, can be taking away from their job as they constantly need to be helping the tribe. They can be seen as almost therapists, as they also try to help with the mental health of cats. They focus on the spirituality of the tribe, needing to be experts at growing herbs and giving advice to help the wellness of all cats.