//003 . ~2001

In 1986 the world was flipped upside down as everyone's greatest fears came to life; a nuclear arsenal was launched towards North America, decimating the continent and rendering it an unlivable wasteland. The world as a whole was terribly affected by this, plunging everyone into a nuclear winter that altered the course of human history. As nuclear winter set in, a new Vicar[1] was selected by Uare to aid agricultural efforts in different nations by clearing enormous areas affected by thick clouds, allowing sunlight to seep in. Cities were built around these, usually refered to Oasis cities.

Born in the EUS-PCB[2] laboratory deep in The Republic of Sakha, Ulyana and other members have intergrated into the city of Yakutsk, now independant thanks to EUS withdrawl from emptier Eastern territories. As the years go by, Ulyana and her community are fearful that the Oasis clouds above their city would lure the EUS back into their territories. Follow Ulyana and her circle as they resist the EUS' expansion efforts in lands once abandoned.
1. Vicars are humans chosen by Creation's first children, they are selected through a complicated process and advocate for their God on Earth.
2. EUS-PCB refers to "Eastern Unitary States - Pearl Collection Branch". EUS is a conglomerate of European countries bound together by Russia after the Winter set in. Some exceptions to this fusion include Spain, Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. While these last are not bound, they still keep good relations with the EUS mostly out of fear and import of foods, essentially turning them into puppet states of various degrees.