weremars's Bulletins

what does hq mean to u guys

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by weremars

so! just kind of curious:

what does hq mean to people when it comes to designs? I often see stuff seeking hq designs, or ocs labeled as hq, but it's a pretty vague and open-ended, especially since quality is relative and ultimately individual. what determines what is a high-quality design?

just thinking about it, esp as someone who does make and sell designs too! the hq label tends to throw me off, so I'm curious what other people think.

heads up!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by weremars

I'm gonna be working on cleaning up my acct throughout the rest of august-early september and I'm gonna have to hide/reupload a lot of stuff so I temp just hid all my characters till I'm done w that!! 

gonna work on some bios too so expect everything to look a lot nicer when it's done!!