weremars's Profile Comments

your art and ocs are so neat!!!! you draw birds so well:D

Thank you so much!!!! :-DD

oh my GODDDD your ocs are SO COOL!! you draw birds incredibly, and all of their designs are amazing!!!


hey there! i hope it's okay to comment here. i received a design of yours from a friend of mine as a gift, and i typically attach the designer's tos to all designs i own if they have one, so i was wondering if you have one posted anywhere that i could link to the design? <:

Yeah, I do!! I don't have a TOS doc to link to, but every design I sell has this attached in the ownership tab:


you may:
- use the design (with direct credit given at least once)
- use the art (with credit every time)
- change the design as you please
- resell for what you bought them for (plus added cost of extra art if the artist gives permission)

please don't :
- use any of my designs in "breedables", for profit or otherwise.
- resell this design for a voucher put towards real, tangible items (listed on Amazon, etc)
- color pick or take close inspiration from my designs. doing so results in an immediate block and blacklist.

NOTICE: I do not allow this design, prior adopts, or any of my artwork to be made or used as an NFT or any art-based cryptocurrency, nor as fodder for any AI art banks.

GOSH i'm so sorry, i keep forgetting the ownership tab has a place for you to put tos in LMAO, thank you!! <3


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that's fine with me!!!! TY for letting me know!! :-DDD

Your art and designs are so pleasing to look at

Thank you so much!!!!! :'-DDD

i absolutely adore your artwork!! its rlly great

thank you so much!!!!!!

i love your bird designs so much you capture them perfectly!

thank you!!!!! :-DDDD

youre welcome!!

Omg hello your art is amazing!!! Do you plan on doing commissions are do them??? I’d love to get maybe a headshot if possible for one of my ocs :DDD

hey so sorry 4 the comment but !! recently i got one of your designs from an adopt batch and i dont plan on selling or trading them at all because they r vv dear to me , but just in case do you have a tos anywhere i could read? just want to make sure i dont do anything with their character/design that might violate any tos but i looked through your page and couldnt find anything so i just wanted to ask! i absolutely adore your art and designs and im so excited to have one! 

hi there, no worries!!! the TOS in the desc. of the adopts is pretty much it! 

"*use the design (with direct credit given to me or weremars at least once)
*use the art (with credit every time)
*change the design as you please
*resell for what you bought them for (plus added cost of extra art if the artist gives permission)"

You don't need to let me know if you ever decide to trade/resell/etc.!! :-DDD

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WAH TYSM ;____; that means a lot!!!!

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AW TYSM!!!!!

absolutely love ur art <333



how dare u