whitepaperrabbits's Profile Comments

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Your characters and art are super super adorable oh my gosh

Thank you so much (。’▽’。)♡

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No problem!  Your Oto-Chro is very cute ヾ(。・ω・)シ

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Thank you ;;;  I love them all so much so I'm glad you like them too (´∀`)♡

your art and characters are too CUTE 

i want to fav them all ;////; 

Thank you so much (。・ω・。)ノ♡

your art is so cuTE holy shit Q - Q

Thank you so much (*^▽^*)

you're welcome \o/

OHMYGOSH- just wanted to say that your new profile page and character layouts look super amazing TT w TT )b

//and i only changed like 2 chara pages for now cause im so lazy lollolol o)-(

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No problem! Lucielle is just too cute!

Thank you so much for the fav ♡

No problem ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*

I found you >:L

FFFFF I'VE BEEN CAUGHT Σ(゜ロ゜; ) //flees to Antarctica bat will never find me here among the penguin natives


Thank you so much for the sub! Your characters are so cute, subbed back~

Ahh thank you! And no probs! Your babs were so cute I couldn't resist ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*

Hi whiteee ^7^/ thanks for the sub hhhhh

Hey Hana ( > w > ) It's no probs! Just glad that I can finally softly stalk your babs (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

your bbys are adorable!! i wanna snuggle all of them •̀.̫•́✧

asdjklmf thank you (*°∀°)=3 I try to take good care of my kids ☆(>ω・)

omg- your art is so cute along with your design and character aaaa > //// <

Aww thank you ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Your bbys are so cute tho I can't not adore them asdjklkasmdl _(:3 」∠)_

LOLLL sob thank you for saying that but your bby's are super cute as well! * /// * Looking forward to seeing more of them!

Thank you for the sub~! <3 Aah, all of your bebs are adorable~! ;////v////;

AHHH THANK YOU! You have so many babs and they're all too precious not to see all day everyday (。’▽’。)♡

PLS YOU'RE 2SWEET4ME AAAA /////// Thank you! But your babies are just as adorable~! ^///q///^ Minjoong is my fav~! <3

Everything is soooo cute, sparkly and fluffy hereeeeee!!! I just loove it!! <3 <3 <3 You're welcome to see my adopted babies! X3/

Uweeh, thank you! Your babs are super cute~

OMG! You subscribe to meee! That's such an honor! XD Thank you sooo much!! X3333 I'm glad you like my babies!!! X333

Hhh I found your TH (in the most normal way as possible xD) Your OCs are all so adorable! Let me feast my eyes upon these beauties *Q*

Shhh, no one needs to know we all stalk each others' cute OCs, this is the real purpose of TH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Pfff, what stalking? //stares out from behind a bush

And thank you for subbing to me, ajdjneixms it's a huge pleasure from such a successful adopts maker like you! QvQ

aaa, you have a toyhouse now! i really need to update my own account, heheh. i love looking through people's characters too //is a stalker too

EXCELLENT let's be stalkers together lol (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

yess s B)

Uwaaaaa you have TH!! Welcomee >v/ Finally I can see more of your bbys

Thank you, flower senpai ♡(。→ˇ艸←) I can only see 2 of your babs though, but that's okay I'll just stalk your dA for your cute babs _(:3」∠)_ //slapped

Np~ Aaaa waitt-- //throws more bbys at you// there *v*

AHHHH SO MANY CUTIES ♡(。→ˇ艸←) can i draw one of them someday they're just so wonderful ( ; w ; ) //slapped

skadgshdag Imma feel honored if you do //7// //ded// Thanks btw~


omg you got a TH! Congrats and welcome <3 I hope you like it here ^ ^

Thank you! I'm surprised someone was able to find me so fast (/^▽^)/ Still getting used to the buttons and all that, so I might start doing weird stuff// rolls around


Haha, I just happened to check TH when you uploaded your oc (I recognized her bc shes so pretty ;__; )