Charm Mage PreCure!

"No matter where you are, the sun is always rises. Let's rise together!"

Oozora Mitsuko is a middle school student who has had a rough past few months. Her attempts at making friends hasn't been going smoothly and she's starting to lose hope. One day during her summer break, she suddenly got teleported to a new world. There, she discovers she is a legendary warrior known as a PreCure, and she has to defend this world while also trying to figure out a way home. She fights as the PreCure of the skies, Cure Corona. On her journey, she is quickly joined by a girl from California named Morgaine, who is the PreCure of the seas, Cure Neptune. They also work with a distant third Cure named Cure Willow, PreCure of the earth. Can they save the Charm Kingdom and get back home?