alien painting world

Set on a world with two suns and set close to a neighboring planet, this world is home to many species, including but not limited to the winged Anebits who fear the sun and sky, the fearless Kiets, and the mostly night-dwelling Vasins. 

 The Anebits are a long-living species that grow insect-like wings and have amazing regenerative ability. They are scared of the sky, sun, and neighboring planet, and try to shun colors that are warmer. They have two sets of pointed ears and a tail, and may have horns, although it is usually either zero horns or 2 or more. The most any Anebit has had is 7. They have a human range of skin tones, and their eyes can be any color, but tend to be a striking blue. Their hair also has a human range. They build in blues and greens. 

The Kiets are a species with a tall stature and typical strength that surpasses any other humanoid species on the planet. They tend to use many warm tones in making their clothing and adornments for themselves, and although Anebits do not like this, they have an amicable relationship. Kiets have one set of larger pointed ears, and tails. They are known for their singular horn that darkens at the end, and although the placement on the forehead may change, it typically stays in the middle. Their skin tones range from blues and greens of all shades, and hair color is the same. Eyes can be practically any color. 

 Vasins are a strange, smaller species, that tend to take on the environment with their bodies. They can change forms, but are hard to be confused with other shifter species because they can and do grow flora on them, and do not usually stay awake during the day, although there are exceptions. They often find themselves taken with the Kiets, and often hang around where they have taken up. The most common thing growing out of Vasins is mushrooms and succulents, although some do grow poisonous flowers. They often have pale colored hair and mismatched eyes.