The Fateless Ones

A strange new cult on the rise appearing as if from the shadows one day, out of the blue this group appeared calling themselves the Fateless Ones those who are without fate. Who they are beyond this is unknown as the names of the members remain a closely guarded secret, their leader is one known as Prophet Moirai a mysterious figure who simply seemed to appear wearing a golden mask and white robes with his arms spread wide he spoke to the masses. His words struck cords in many a person, luring them to come to him and learn to unshackle themselves from fates design and become truly free.

His followers typically don robes of black or grey accented with coloured threads such as white, gold, or red typically. The threads are to represent their threads of fate being cut, they are the masters of their own fate they are the fateless outside of destinies control forevermore. Masks of white hide their features from one another allowing all to go about in anonymity, names can be shared freely should they truly desire to reveal themselves.