
Multiverse Character Directory

These are all of my characters relating to the multiverse that I share with Lostfanboy. Click on a name or image to go to that character profile.

Original code created by Jisu
Anayah Kim
You don't make history by being liked.

Woman Trans Bi/Pan Needs Images

Archie Conrad
A flower doesn't think of competing with the flower next to it; it just blooms.

Man Cis Gay Needs Images

Augustus Julius
It wasn't your fault; it was mine.

Man Cis Gay Needs Images

Brendon Young
Stuck between giving up and thinking how much more can I take.

Man Cis Gay Needs Images

Caesar Julius
The chains are broken, but are you truly free?

Man Cis Gay Art Trade Needs Images

Calamity Silvercoin
Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

Woman Trans Gay Needs Images

Chad Conrad
Kind of a pretty boy, isn't he?

Man Cis Aro Bi/Pan Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Danny Delores
Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

Man Trans Bi/Pan Needs Images

We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick.

Man Trans Bi/Pan Favorite Needs Images

Dominic Valencia
The healer also needs healing.

Man Trans Bi/Pan Needs Images

Elias Willis
Music is what feelings sound like.

Man Trans Gay Ace Needs Images

Eric Parker
What does it matter if I say it? It won't change anything! It won't make me good!

Man Cis Gay Favorite Needs Images

Ethan Lockharte
Just because things could have been different, it doesn't mean they would've been better.

Man Cis Gay Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Henri Lavoie
My lungs are clouded with self-hatred, and oh my god I cannot breathe.

Man Cis Gay Favorite

Isaac West
Hatred is not the opposite of love; it is indifference.

Man Cis Gay Favorite

Itami Nakamura
It is an act of bravery to feel your feelings.

Woman Cis Bi/Pan Needs Images

Ivan Westwood
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Man Cis Bi/Pan Favorite Needs Images

Jonah Reyes
I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was grief.

Man Nonbinary Trans Bi/Pan Needs Images

Karen Westwood
Well-behaved women rarely make history.

Woman Cis Bi/Pan Needs Images

Kent de Luca
You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for whatever sins you have committed.

Man Cis Gay Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Logan Pierce
Pretty boys with sunshine faces carrying their heads down.

Man Cis Gay Ace Needs Images

Lou Morina
Stay close to people who feel like sunshine.

Woman Cis Bi/Pan Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Luca Reyes
Inspired by the fear of being average.

Woman Nonbinary Trans Bi/Pan Needs Images

Marsha Laurens
If it breaks God's heart, why do you think it will fulfill yours?

Woman Cis Straight Needs Images

Maxwell Bordeaux
Hell is empty and the devils are here.

Man Cis Gay Needs Images

Norah de Luca
And in the end all I learned was how to be strong alone.

Woman Cis Gay Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Osanna Carraway
Behind every strong woman is a story that gave her no other choice.

Woman Cis Bi/Pan Needs Images

Percival Quinn
I wanted to feel loved without feeling like I was begging for it.

Man Cis Ace Bi/Pan Needs Images

Scorpio Laurens
You will never be clean from sin. Rotten children don't deserve heaven. There is no god who could give you your purity back.

Man Trans Gay Needs Images

Sonam Kim
I want to go home, but I fear I've already lost it.

Nonbinary Trans Bi/Pan Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

Theodore Willis
If you think this is bad, you should see what our government is up to.

Man Cis Bi/Pan Needs Images

She looked like an ethereal angel with that divine smile on her archangelic face.

Woman Cis Bi/Pan Art Trade Needs Images

Character Name
Look at me I'm a Quote.

Woman Man Nonbinary Cis Trans
Gay Straight Ace Aro Bi/Pan
Favorite Art Trade Needs Images

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