xiph's Profile Comments

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why did it have to be the most mid one smh....   

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i haven't been inactive i log in multiple times a day

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why is bro evil

because i'm evil                    (i wanted to make my pfp really compressed but it didn't look right so i just settled for making it inverted)

non evil xiph be like


bro has a profile (shock)

you ou can't prove shit mr. silli3st   

sorry i sorry

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sneaky? me? never. im more of a snitch myself.

also in my defense only 165 of those are actual characters

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uuuuhhh uh uhhuu asterisk dodges asterisk

What wonderful goobers hide behind the authorization walls.

none other than iconic characters such as TBN, TBN, TBN, TBN, and TBN


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im nto free         i'm trapepd in the inescapable void of depressive and demotivated apathy that eternally consumes us

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You are loved. Blaze loves you.

Have a nice day.

thanks Blaze1953   

No problem sonnie

xipheb off the house

sniff. okay. ill get off the house