xmuun's Profile Comments

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I love ur characters n art sm I’m going bonkers insane it’s all so good

ahh omg thank you so so much!!

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could i maybe get some css help? cuz this all looks epic dsfidsnk

and i kinda want an epic looking page twt

plus u changed what the pointer looks like-

CSS covers a lot of things so I'd need you to be more specific with what you need help with to assist you further. Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Regarding changing the pointer, Google "CSS pointers w3schools" and you should find all the info you need.

like- changing the image coloration and then having it be fully colored when hovered on, and just- how’d you change le poll info’s colors, ive tried and it don’t work for me and the method im doing afaik 😭

but ty :0

1. https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_filter.php
2. https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_transitions.asp
3. I actually hadn't changed those colors yet but just inspect to find the class and then reference this: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-color.php

thank you for faving one my of characters ^^- also i love your profile theme !

ofc! Ur chars r so pretty! tysm :DD

i'm so happy i found someone with a card/chess theme like myself!

chess budss!

thankyou for faving one of my characters!!! c:

Np! Your chars are awesome! <3


thankyyiouu! 😭 <33 actually working on making a new one rn which led me to see this lmao

Ah yess 😭 !! That's gonna be cool asl