xxoldxx's Bulletins

Update to navigation

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by xxoldxx

Hey y'all. So recently I went ahead and redid my navigation page so it actually corresponds to the folders I have now. It's also much easier to navigate and less cluttered. In adition, I also made a page for tag browsing, which should make it easier to find specific characters if you're looking for them. (i will be adding tags to all of my characters in the coming days too so this actually works properly)

but not only that! i've also added a new Glossary page that explains some basic concepts that are present throughout most of my work. so if you ever wanted to check out my profile but couldn't figure out what the hell a plane was meant to be, now you can. i've tried to add everything i could think of, so hopefully it will be useful.

if you wanna access any of this go to this page right here! General Navigation

Also soon i will be adding a story director, a character director and a species guide to further explain everything. for now you can take a look at the Navigation and Guides folder and check there for updates. i'll probs make another bulletin once i have a decent amount of progress there!

ives got a tablets

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by xxoldxx

got a graphic tablet so i can draw digitally now 

will be uploading more drawings of my characters over the days, and a lot of characters that had nothing prior to this should finally have an appearance

More Images

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by xxoldxx

Alright, I finally got around to doing this. 

Quick explanation: I originally had decided that I would only upload pictures that had been done digitally to my character profiles, as I thought that would look better, but it has become increasingly obvious that that is not going to be possible at the moment, since I don't have a reliable way of making digital art as nice as I would want. So, I decided that traditional pictures are better than no pictures at all, and so I will be uploading as many pictures as I can. I have a ton of pictures and want to upload as much as I can. This includes really old pictures from several years ago, whose quality isn't the best as my drawing skills were even worse.

This process is gonna take a long time to complete, so sorry if I attack you with notifications in the meanwhile. 

Also, a quick note: I privated a ton of my characters since most of them didn't have profiles or pictures and I didn't want anyone to see a ton of empty characters. I will unprivate a lot of them once I finish this whole thing since by then they will have at least one picture.

That's all, thanks for reading.

Data reveals who you are inside

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by xxoldxx


I was counting some data today on one of my stories and the split between species came out like this. This represents me so well and I hate it.

RP Comfort Meme

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by xxoldxx

Gonna do this hhhhhh

RP Comfort Meme - Created by ElfSama

A valuable meme for any role-player!

Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!

While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!

Role Play Basics


I am comfortable doing:

- Comment 

- Chats ✓

- Notes ✓

- Forum

- Skype 

- Google Docs 

- Other ✓  (It depends)



I am comfortable with:

- One on one role plays. ✓

- Up to three people. 

- Up to four people. 

- Five or more people!

- As big as possible!


Post Length

I usually write about:

- One or two sentences. ✓ 

- One or two paragraphs. ✓ 

- Two to five paragraphs. 

- More than five paragraphs.

- A few pages worth. 


I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:

- One or two sentences. ✓

- One or two paragraphs. ✓

- Two to five paragraphs. ✓

- More than five paragraphs. ✓ 

- A few pages worth. ✓ (I'm fine with anything, really.)


Role-play Requests

I like getting requests from:

- Anyone and everyone at any time! ✓ (Send them in boiiiis.)

- When I ask for role-plays. ✓

- From friends and acquaintances. ✓ 

- From friends only. 



Romantic Relationships

** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!

Shipping  - ( I believe this is purely situational. It depends entirely on the character, on the RP partner, etc. )

I am comfortable shipping my characters:

- Never. 

- Our character know each other deeply. ✓

- Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player. ✓

- At the first sign of flirting! ✓

- Only if the role-player and I plan it. ✓

- It depends on the character. ✓


If you want to ship with my characters:

- Talk to me about it from the start. ✓ (Tell me please.)

- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other. ✓

- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.

- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.



When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:

- Swift as lightning! 

- Fast, but not super fast. ✓ 

- Happens in about three months. ✓ 

- Slow and steady wins the race. ✓ 

- Slugs know what's up! ✓ 

- My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen. ✓ (Again, all of them are fine)



When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:

- To skip the act entirely. ✓ (I'm not comfortable writing smut)

- To write the build up, but skip the act. ✓ 

- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it. 

- To write the act all the way through. 


Romantic Artwork

When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:

- Do not post it at all without talking to me.

- Post it if it is cuddles and hugs. ✓

- Post it if it is kisses. ✓

- Post it if it is much more. ✓

- Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!

- Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!




** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!


When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:

- No violence at all! ✓

- I'm fine with verbal arguments! ✓

- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face. ✓

- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling. ✓

- Violence, such as stabbings. ✓

- Beyond violence, such as torture and more. ✓ 

If you are going to do something violent, please:

- Don't do it at all.

- Talk to me about it first. ✓

- Surprise me! ✓


Dramatic Artwork

- Do not post any dramatic scenes that happened between our characters.

- Talk to me about it before posting! ✓

- Post what you like!  ✓

Work In Progress

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by xxoldxx

Most of the stuff on my profile is rather incomplete and will change with time