
In a world very similar to the pokemon world we all know and love, something different happened. Something a tad strange. One day, a ray suddenly shot up into the sky. No one knows what it was or where it came from, but the effect could be felt almost immediately. Pokemon all across the land suddenly transformed into humanoid versions of themselves. They retained their magical powers and a few unique features of their species, like ears, tails, etc. Needless to say, this caused a bit of chaos.

Fast forward to several years later. After years of fighting, pokemon have the same rights as humans, mostly. Pokeballs and other ways of trapping pokemon have been outlawed. Pokemon cannot use their powers in public, only on designated spaces, such as gyms. Speaking of which, around a few years or so they finally started to make a comeback, to much succes. Only difference is that now pokemon behave a lot more like coaches in things like boxing, and the pokemon have more choices. Legendary pokemon haven't been seen at all since the ray was fired, so no one knows what happened to them. Amongst a myriad more changes, much too long to list here.

This specific story is a lot more mundane than you would be lead to believe. Our protagonist is "Spike" the gardevoir, a disgruntled young adult with crushed dreams who is looking for a place to live. He comes across a poster which advertises a hotel. According to the ad, the people who live there don't have to pay, but in exchange have to work for the owner. Seeing nothing particularly wrong with this, he decides to register on this hotel.

And so begins this story, taking place in the so called "cursed hotel". Everyone who lives there is expectedly odd, and as such trouble occurs often. This, coupled with the recent rise of a new shady organization known only as Zenith means that Spike's life got a lot more interesting than before.

In regards to organization in this folder, the main characters are first, then the supporting characters, then the minor characters.

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